Kumi and Patricia | Alex the Hard Workah: Recruiters are your Friends

Kumi and Patricia | Alex the Hard Workah: Recruiters are your Friends

Hard Work-ah
Hard Work-ah
Kumi and Patricia | Alex the Hard Workah: Recruiters are your Friends

In this episode:

Kumi Royal, Staffing Manager at SNI Companies
Connect with Kumi on LinkedIn

Patricia (Knott) Wisniewski, Staffing Manager at SNI Companies
Connect with Patricia on LinkedIn

[Please ignore any typos. This is a direct transcription for your benefit.]

Alex: So, today in the studio we have a few guests. We have Kumi Royal and Patricia Knott. Two professional recruiters. And today we’re going to celebrate a little levity here in the hard worker show because every hard worker has to have a good time as well. And so I hope everybody had a good time on July fourth celebration and we’re going to have a good time here today and we’re going to talk about some funny stories as it comes to recruiting, hiring, going in and interviewing, and maybe on the second half of the hour we’ll talk about some more serious notes about what you should do to prepare so that you don’t end up on the Pete Show as part of the levity. So Kumi, yeah. Introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about yourself.

Kumi: Oh my. Okay. So my name is Kumi Royal. I work for a staffing now and I have been with SNI companies for almost three years.

Alex: Three years. That’s a long time. So at SNI Companies/ Staffing Now, what do you do on a daily basis?

Kumi: So, I do both the business development side and the recruiting side. So, you know, not only do we interface with the clients and try to get them to utilize our services, uh, but additionally I am always on the hunt for new talent, for the open positions that we have looking for the hard workers. Yes, the hard workers for sure.

Alex: So some of these folks obviously go in and do interviews and get hired on and Patricia, do you do basically the same kind of thing or you do something a little different?

Patricia: I do something a little different in the fact where I am more on the, what we call “candidate” side, so on the recruiting end. So I bring people in, interview them, help set up there were interviews with companies and mostly handle that versus business development. So.

Funny Stories

Alex: Gotcha. So you were talking a little earlier when we talked offline and you were telling me about some of the folks that you interview and you bring them in and you talked to him. Oh yeah. Then, you meet with them.

Patricia: Yeah, we have to meet everybody before we consider them for any job of course, because we have to know who they are and sometimes they get sent out for interviews with the company. Sometimes companies trust us to have them directly start.

Alex: Very good. So directly start means you did all the interview, the background check and then you decided for the company. This is the right person?

Patricia: Yes, because they trust us. We’ve worked with them and they know how successful we are at finding the right people for them. So we do everything from finding them, doing the background checks, just like you said, interviewing and then we just have them go to the company on their first day and get started.

Alex: So, anytime in the past that you’ve interviewed somebody and you thought this is a great person and I’m going to send them out and I don’t know, somebody else showed up.

Patricia: Well it’s funny you said that because actually yes. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the term catfish. Never heard of it. So–

Alex: They are good Fried fish

Patricia: True, but not in this case. So when typically when you get “catfished” is when you find somebody like online, you see their photo and then when you meet them in person they’re somebody completely different.

Alex: Oh my gosh. So this is like most real estate professionals. You see the card or the billboard, right? And then they show up and it’s that, that card and billboard was from 35 years ago.

Patricia: Yeah, exactly, exactly. See somebody’s photo online and you meet them and you’re like, wait, was that from the 1970’s? I had no idea. I did, but it was almost like a reverse catfish. Super interesting. I had a person come into the office. I interviewed we went over their resume. Um, she was, she was great. She had the experience I was looking for this particular position, which was one of those direct starts where we would send them right to the company to start. So I was really excited. I, I called her a couple days later to offer her the job and when this person picked up the phone, very clearly a different person over the phone. I mean probably say that they were, that they were like, oh yeah, I was in your office the other day. Yeah, the interview went so well. I’m so excited to get started. I’m like, it just clearly 30 years older…

Alex: like the SAT test. Right where you didn’t want to actually go take the test. So you sent somebody else into it?

Patricia: Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s how it was. So, I started to think, okay, how can I like, figure out that because I knew it wasn’t the right person, but how can I get this person to admit it? So, we went through everything. Okay. So, who’s your emergency contact and what were you wearing that day? Because it was only two days ago. You have to remember that and uh, eventually it be my office look like. Exactly. And, and eventually with those questions and the answers provided we, we, it was clear that it wasn’t like I wasn’t crazy. I was not crazy.

Alex: So it’s like when I applied for the job as quarterback for the Jaguars and I send Blaine Gabbert. [unintelligible]

Patricia: Oh yeah, yeah. You’d be like, see, I was in the other day, don’t you remember meeting me? Right. But uh, so we, we put a stop to that right away and we said, yeah, unfortunately.

Alex: Is that a common occurrence. Or is that a once in a while, once in a blue moon?

Patricia: Well, it’s never happened to me again. Well for, for direct start positions, what we do every time is we walk the people that are starting into the office so that we do know that they are the person that we interviewed and that we’re sending because that would be terrible if that would happen. In other cases they interview with the company so the company would know them. So, I’m glad that we were able to catch this. That person would have been caught anyway before they actually walked in the building. But in this case we were able to kind of hit it off early.

Alex: Crazy. Crazy. So you hire somebody, you put them in the role, they’re working, everything seems to be fine, but then occasionally you have times when those people are not working out that well. And, and, uh, some crazy stuff happens on the job. So, Kumi wanted you to tell us about some of those funny things.

Kumi: We’ve, had some strange ones. One of the occurrences that sticks out the most is that we had a candidate that was on assignment and she had given us a call prior to her arrival and was like, I’m going to be a few minutes late. I was in a car accident and I’m really trying to get there, but I’m going to be a little bit late. I’m like, okay, great. So I reach out to the client and we let them know like, hey, she’s going to be a little bit late. I know that you have a strict attendance policy, but she’s really shaken up about this. She gets to work and not only does she like kind of, you know, not freak out, but she’s nervous. Nervous. Yeah. And she’s, she’s like having a conversation with our team leads and she goes, oh, was in a fender bender. And it was really, really traumatic. Like it was really bad. I’ll be right back. Leave the call center for like five minutes, comes back in carrying her b per and show the damage that occurred.

Alex: It’s like bringing in a doctor’s note. Right?

Kumi: Exactly. She’s like, I was in this car accident. You see, this is what happened. This right here. I shouldn’t be able to carry this, but I have it and this is what happened. And they were like, oddly enough, did not let her go for that reason, but something completely unrelated. But um, yeah, that was, that was one that did, that did stand out for sure.

Alex: How about you, Patricia? Any crazy stories where people were working in they were terminated or they had a crazy thing or event that happened to him?

Patricia: I mean, it does happen all the time. Actually had a candidate who was working and had called us and she ended up deciding to leave the company on our own volition because there was another person that she was working with who put a spell on her.

Alex: Oh my goodness. A spell?

Patricia: That was a little tricky. Yet, this individual ended up being like a, I guess a witch are wiccan — a practicing weekend, which is, which is cool. Great. That’s awesome. But should not be putting spells and others people at work.

Alex: Yeah, don’t want to be hexing somebody, bringing in the voodoo doll…

Patricia: It’s all good, but we just need to make sure there’s no, uh, yeah, like he wanted to date her “hard.” So that was his way of letting her know, made her a little uncomfortable. So, um, that was a case where he, uh, you know, he, he needed a little talking to but she decided that she was going to leave. So that was a little uncomfortable of a conversation, but these are conversations that need to be had. So I mean, you never know what you’re going to get a as far as people working and what they’re comfortable with and what could happen. So. Yeah.

Alex: Alright. So, uh, that, that’s crazy. Yeah. Kumi, anything else?

Kumi: You know, I, for some reason, a lot of the stories that I have surround car accidents, a lot of accident prone candidate.

Alex: I imagined that a flat tires passed away. Grandmothers, um, dog ate your homework.

Patricia: Like one person’s grandparent died like three times. Same One. Yep. Yeah.

Kumi: The same quarter, same grandparent. Yep. Like, did you forget that you already told me that this one was gone.?

Alex: They have paternal maternal and then other. Right. So you can have happen. True. Very, very true. So you have another car story you want to share with us.

Kumi: I do. I had a candidate that reached out to us actually and was like, oh, I’m going to be late. I was in a car accident, had to go to the ER and was in this car accident with my sister and my sister was the one that had to go to the ER, but I had to take her there and so I’m going to be like really late, like a couple hours late. And I was like, okay, all right. Interesting. She ends up reaching out to us via email and saying like, hey, just so you know, here’s a picture of the car accident. And luckily, my cousin is going to be fine. Forgot that it was her sister in this car accident with her and it was a picture of a car she passed going down the interstate. No, this is, this was supposedly a picture of her car and the damage that had occurred. And so my coworker, she is kind of like P.I (Personal Investigator) on her own accord. [unintelligible]

Patricia: It’s part of the job description for us, detective

Kumi: Detective but she is the next level. She will find anyone at any point in time. So yeah, she’s pretty awesome. Something like clicks off in her mind and says, that looks super familiar. Let’s put this into Google images. So we do. And it’s the first picture that pops up is something on Google. So I call her out and I say, hey there. So how’s, uh, how’s everything going with your family member? And she’s like, oh. So my mom, like literally a different, a different family member. Actually aunt I think is what she went with this time around and goes my aunt’s fine. But did you get that picture I sent? And I was like, yeah, I got it from you and Google crazy, right?

Patricia: It’s called a reverse search.

Kumi: Yeah. And know she goes, ah, so, um, and she hung up on me, so I was like, cool, you’re fired though.

Alex: That was really funny. So any other personal stories you want to share with us about interviewing people? Personal?

Kumi: You know, I’ve had some awkward interviews as most recruiters probably do, but my most awkward was probably when I had a candidate turn our interview basically into like our first date, um, which I don’t remember swiping left on Him on Tinder, but it’s apparently, yeah, I said hard pass but did not, did not feel the same way. I don’t know, but he essentially I would redirect my, I would say like, so where do you want to be in five years? And he’d like take my hand legitimately and like give me really intense eye contact and like, that’s too much. And he’s like, well, I want to know more about you. Like what, what do you want? Is this what you’ve always wanted to be here? I mean, and also where did you get that dress? Because you look amazing in it, but also what are you doing after this? Yeah, no, totally, totally complimentary. But you know…

Alex: obviously you wanted to send him straight out to do a job interview with somebody.

Kumi: Oh yeah. No, absolutely. And I basically, these are, these are, these are no-no’s in the interview process and. No, no, I would say had no, no, please don’t like grab your recruiters hand or the hiring manager’s hands and ask them out for coffee later.

Patricia: Yes, correct. That’s actually way more common than you think. We get a lot of people trying to pick us up on LinkedIn too. LinkedIn isn’t strictly a professional website. Folks do not use LinkedIn for trying to get to know me better personally. Sometimes I’ll get messages and be like, Hey, I love your profile pic on here. Like how are you? And like I’m not looking for your expertise. Thanks, buddy. You know, and I’ll move on. But actually

Alex: It’s not, it’s not Tinder.

Patricia: No, no, Tinder — I like tinder. I swiped yeah, no, actually my now husband, um, we met on tinder actually. That’s acceptable with trying to get a job with me. So that was fine.
Kumi: That was a super like situation actually it was for me. And uh, yeah, actually I’ll be a Wisniewski tomorrow, which is going to be my new last name. So

Alex: I’m glad today it was “Knott.”

Patricia: That’s right. That’s right. So you could find me as Patricia, not currently, but soon it’ll switch over to Wisniewski

Alex: So LinkedIn for all the professional stuff, not for dating.

Patricia: Absolutely. You use it properly, make sure everything’s updated with what you have, with what your current experiences and only utilize it for professional purposes only,

Alex: Which is funny too because, you know, Pete’s the expert at all this marketing. And it was funny because, when we first met he said, you know, I looked at your LinkedIn photo and you need to change it up. And I said, really? That’s a good picture of me. He goes, there’s a difference between a good picture of you and a professional picture of you. And uh, so he did, he, uh, helped me to redo mine and to go get the proper photo to post up for LinkedIn, not just a smiley, and a smiley personal photo.

Patricia: Yeah, like those selfie photos in the car seat. Probably not. The best idea was with the belt across your right or at the beach with your shirt off. No, they’re not. Good idea. I’m probably suit, tie actually. Definitely suit or tie. So it’s, yeah, something that makes you look like you’d want to work somewhere that, somebody will hire you .

Alex: That’s another piece – a Pete-ism, he said make sure you’re congruent, too right? So, you can’t have in your professional life to the suit and tie picture and then have your Facebook with big rants on them going off it that the companies that you’re looking to go to work for. And that’s Kind of part of the interviewing process now, right? Not only do you looked at their professional site, but you’re also going in and looking at people’s personal sites as well to determine, you know, a little bit more about the person before you. Before you actually do the interview.

Patricia: It’s actually great. You bring that up because we had somebody who was it? I mean she was, she was great over the phone. It was for actually a recruiting job that we were working for and this person, she, she a great experience, very personable, loved her, but her Facebook had some risqué photos, a little too much, too much to show. So when I’m actually, she, she made it to an, made it through an interview and then that company themselves, you know, rejected you because of that. So you know, make them private, make them professional because we will find out.

Alex: And so the, this is common right now, looking at people’s twitter feeds to see what they’re, what they’re tweeting about. Looking at people’s Instagram. If you’re able to go in through all their social media. And last week we had Ted Willich here with AI. So, this is going to get amazingly a more detailed very quickly, right? Because if you’re doing it, it takes quite some time to go research all the candidates and as much detailed information as there is out there. But with AI, it’s going to speed this process up dramatically because the machine will be able to go out there and look through everything in seconds and come back and say, Oh, here’s some of the things that we found that that may or may not be appropriate, but then delivers it to you for your eyes.

Patricia: Yeah. So, so helpful. Really cuts down the time so we can get the best people in there as soon as we can.

Alex: And that’s what it’s all about, right? You’re finding the absolute best fit, the best candidate for the position. Absolutely. So, so with that in mind, when we get into our second segment, we’re going to move off of the funny stories and we’re going to move more into some more serious things like “how to prepare yourself for interviews, what things you should and shouldn’t do,” right then maybe, and obviously, considering it a date is not something you should do. Definitely number one. And I’m so, so we’ll talk about some of those things and will help prepare our audience for, you know, the transition into the workforce, right? If you’re, if you’re in a job and you think you want to move up to another job or you, you’re changing careers or, or right now you’re, you’re without a job and you’re looking for one. I want you to share with them some of your insight and information about what to do, how to prepare a let’s go through some of those interview techniques that you have and really help people to get themselves squared away both on, on social media. I’m on professional media like LinkedIn and when they walk in and present their selves to the potential recruiter or candidate. And then I want you to talk a little bit when we first come back about “what is a recruiter and what exactly do you do?” I had related in the past about your kind of like a sports agent but for regular folks and so we want to build on that theme and talk about, you know, what do you do as a recruiter to help the candidate to get them in the best position possible for that new position, for that new role. And how do you take the anx off of them, not only just doing the interview right and getting the job, but now having to negotiate the salary, the benefits and the things that could be a little awkward, right? If you’re sitting in there interviewing and you’re asking for the job and then you’re like, oh, by the way, let me tell you how much my salary requirement is. So let’s do that when we come back for the break.


My Experience with a Recruiter

Alex: And now that we got you in the studio, why don’t we talk about your experiences with recruiters?

Arren: Sure. Yeah. Um, you know, it’s funny is Kumi actually placed me at all of my jobs right after college. After college I went into, did Fulbright for nine months and I went to the Philippines. And so when I came back I was like, how do I work again? What is a resume? I was just out of the country for nine months. And somehow I applied to something. I think I remember it was like at 11:59 at night and Kumi calls me the next day and she was like, Hey, actually I just saw your resume and that you submitted at midnight practically. Um, because I was really working hard and I was really trying to get a job. I didn’t want to have that big space on my resume from like when I came back from the Philippines to like my next job.

Kumi: So that — I’m actually just on the other side of that, how crazy it is. I took it a step creepier, like I said before, we are detectives. And so when I first saw her resume I was like, ah, this girl looks amazing. Found her on Facebook and I was like gorgeous girl, bring her in, I am going to bug this girl until she answers the phones now… Effort is, I’m an equal opportunity employer. I, uh, the position that she applied, I did, I stalked her and I was like, we’re going to be best friends. I’m going to bring her in right away. It was for a marketing coordinator position and to be fair, like originally they wanted someone with a little bit more experienced than she was fairly green on paper, but something told me I was like, these internships that she’s done has been, has been super impressive. She was like Fulbright and I stuck to me and I was like, I’m bringing her in. I brought her in. She was so smiley and professional, well dressed, put together. I was just impressed with her from the minute that she sat down because she spoke about her experiences very passionately and very articulately — if that’s even a word, your smarter than me. And she just was very, very impressive. And she got the job right away. I think we even sent you down to meet the hiring manager.

Arren: Then I started like, the next day I was like, I’m ready to start working as soon as possible. I think it was like May 31st and I was like, I can put on my resume that I worked at May and I came back in May, so it would have looked stellar for me.

Alex: That’s great. So um, and then you said you placed her again?

Kumi: Yeah, I did. I placed her in that first position ended up being a contract, and the contract ended and I placed her in her next role in a direct hire/permanent position. And that was a lengthy process. We were so long and we’ve been friends for like a month. She was calling. I called her every day. It’s like, Hey, what’d you have for breakfast? So I know that you’ve already interviewed like six times, but you’re going back again and you’re going to crush it. Also, guess what? You get to do a presentation. Awesome. Uh, yeah, but she killed it. She did a great job. Was PowerPoint. I remember it. I was like bragging, showing all of the people I showed rose our director of look how legit this girl is. She’s going to run a marketing department one day… and then I stole her for us, eventually.

Alex: Very nice. Very nice. So, so that’s how Arren got here, is you brought her here?

Kumi: I brought her here. Yeah. You went and talked to her again. I did stalk, stole her from somewhere else, via social media. I saw that she had had a baby and I was like, I mean the baby looks pretty grown, right now. I think she probably sold probably getting stir crazy. I mean I don’t have any kids so I don’t really know how that works. But I was like, baby, it looks like it’s about to crawl, so she’s probably ready to get out of the house.

Arren: It was so funny because the process was Kumi calls me and she says like, what are you doing? I was like, well actually I’m not planning on working for a year. And she was like, well, I think– man, I just really have a great position for you. Just take some time, hear me out. And I was like, okay, uh, I guess I can try to do that. And in my head I’m like, I’m going to be a stay — I’m like sitting in my chair — I’m going to be a stay at home mom and I’m going to live off of my husband. This sounds really bad but… I was like, wow, the opportunity to work again and to work with Kumi, who I had a great relationship with and even with Rose, so much fun times. It felt like she was a mentor throughout the entire process; She was calling me, she was making sure that I was dressed properly, which I was.

Alex: That’s part of it, right? You’re a coach.

Arren: She was my momma, a coach is a better word than “Mama.”
Kumi: But I did like some “mom” moments I’m like, don’t be nervous, they’re just people, honey, get out there and be yourself.

Arren: And I would call her before and after the interview. And she’s like, what did you talk about? Did you talk about this? Remember they’re going to ask you. And like questions that I get caught up on are: what’s your biggest mistake? Because I’m like, what? I’m perfect

Alex: Obviously, you didn’t answer that way.

Arren: And she would tell me like, all right, so they’re going to ask you this question. You should try to use an experience that you have that’s listed on your resume. And just make sure that you list: What was your mistake and what did you learn from it? That’s what they’re looking for…

Alex: What exactly right, and it’s not just a yes, I made a mistake and here’s what it was. It’s something that’s relatable, right? It’s something that’s an experiential thing. You tell about the experience you go through, what happened, how it happened, and what you did to resolve that matter, right? Because this is the thing that, that, that clients are looking for. They’re looking for you to share an experience with them, to be a storyteller, to be able to explain to them, and so that they can understand that you’re a real person, right? You’re not just a check the box. Fill out the blanks paper, not a piece of paper, right? And that you’re going to be able to be relatable when she come to work. You’re going to be able to come in there, fill in, and they’re going to know if you do make a mistake, you’re going to be able to resolve that issue, right? Or if somebody else makes a mistake that you’re going to, be able to forgive them and move forward from it.

The Process

Alex: And so, you know, Patricia tell us some of the things that you do to help coach folks along during the process. How do you, how do you help them to prepare themselves for, let’s say that very first interview you, you bring them into you first, right? You bring them in and, and you kind of simulate an interview. Is that how you do it?

Patricia: So, when I bring somebody in for an interview, I see it not only there are a right fit for the company, but that the companies are the right fit for them because nobody’s going to be happy working at a company that they don’t feel great at or want to work at too. So it’s really a matchmaking service

Alex: culturally. You saying, not just physician because you know, you can look at the resume and see ABCD and they fit all the boxes, but you got to make sure that culturally and, and, and that they’re going to be a fit.

Patricia: Yeah. Because sometimes somebody will come in and they’re more comfortable in a “mom and pop” type of environment when there’s only seven people in the office and they feel very comfortable because it’s very small family oriented, other people love the white collar, big corporate like hustle and bustle because that’s just part of their personality. So I, my job is to really figure out who they are, what’s going to, make them happy because if somebody is not happy, they’re not going to stay. So I invest a lot in that person.

Alex: It’s funny you say that because we had um, in, in the industry, we use the term fall off in some of the people out there may not know what that is, but that’s when you send a person out for a full time direct start position and they go to work out there and they don’t last very long. They, they fall off and so we have to replace them. And so we had this happen at this particular client three times in a matter of a month. Wow. I’m like, Oh wow, this is crazy what’s going on? So I called down to the to the manager of the office and I said, you had the same position at the same client, fall off three times in a month. How is that possible? Have you been out to the place? And they were like, well no, I haven’t go so well, maybe go make a site visit and take a look. And she called me back next day and said, went out there, it’s a pet friendly. And I said, okay, well what, what’s wrong with that? And she goes, it’s very pet friendly. I’m like explaining. And she’s like, well there’s cats on people’s desks, there’s dogs underneath the desk. The backdoor has a pet door so that the dogs and cats can run in and out. There were birds flying around them. I’m like, oh my gosh, here might be the right person for that place. Well that’s exactly right. So what happened is now that she knew that when she interviewed people, she said, how do you feel about ,pets in the workplace? And somebody said, that would be awesome. I can bring my pet door or replace. And they did. They brought them in and stuff. So I understand completely what you’re talking about when you’re saying it has to be the right fit. Right. So, with that in mind, why don’t you talk to the audience a little bit and tell them, you know, give them some, some tips. They come in and they interview with you. And, and, and what, what kind of tips or guidance would you give them a, if you did find that perfect cultural place for them and they’re going in for their first interview, would that be.

Patricia: So what’s really important for them to do is I try to provide as much information about the company and about the job description and they need to do their homework. Everybody’s got to do their homework. I can’t do it for them.

Alex: So, do your homework. Tell us about that.

Patricia: So when I mean homework, it’s more like going to the website of the company, figuring out information about the company. Who’s the president? How long has the company been? Um, you know, what’s their mission stays actually. And then not only that, but the expectations of the job knowing how are you going to sell yourself to that company because hey, you know, not everybody’s in sales, but when you’re looking for a job, you’re in sales, let’s be real. So you have to be able to identify with that, what you’re, what you’re going for and how to market yourself. So doing that homework, quote unquote, research on the company is, is very important.

Alex: So they gather all that information and then they bring it back to you and then then what do you, do you help coach them to, when to use that, right? They don’t come in there and just start spouting off about everything they learned about the company, right? Yeah,

Patricia: exactly. So we would give tips on what to mention or what questions to ask. A little bit of a mock interview. Like, so what would you
like, what are some questions that you’ve thought of to ask the company afterwards? Because when an accompany interviews you, a lot of times at the end they’ll say, so do you have any questions for us? Your answer should always be yes, here are a few good, you know, and because they want to know that you’re invested in that, you’ve thought about it, um, you know, thoughtfully. So I like to ask them, what would you ask them? I actually had one person say, oh, well I went online, I went online, and, and notice that, that you had a couple of bad reviews. What are some things that you as a company are going to do to improve your reviews online? I said, that is not a question, not a question. So I’m so glad that I asked you what you’re going to ask them so that it’s important for us to know what they’re going in. I don’t want anybody going rogue, you know, and asking some crazy thing. So, I’m making sure you are, are asking relevant questions and things that are, are going to impress, things that are positive. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that’s huge to thank you for mentioning that. Being positive, not speaking negatively about your previous employer, um, is huge.

Alex: So that seems to be a common theme that we hear every day. Right? It is, uh, they come in for the interview and for some ungodly reason, and they believe that if I bashed the last person I worked for my prior manager or a prior company, this is going to make me look really good in front of my new prospective employer.

Kumi: No wrong way to think for sure.

Alex: But this happens every day, right?

Kumi: Does, it happens very often and I always find myself having to have that discussion with the candidate and say like, retraining. Yeah. Like, do not talk negatively about your previous employers. If they pry and continue asking you the same question over and over about why you left a position, you just give them a blanket statement, not the right fit moving forward with something else.

Alex: Better ability to grow.

Patricia: Exactly. That’s what I always go for too, is that if it’s starting to go in that direction, the right thing to do is always say not what wasn’t good, but what you’re looking for versus what you’re not looking for. So, um, you know, why didn’t you go, why did you leave as well? Because I’m looking for a larger company with more opportunities. So you’re keeping it in a positive tone, um, and it’s, you know, Oh, do you have experience in this? Oh, I’m familiar with that and I can do this and this and this as well, so you can always take something and say things that you have done versus things that you have not

Alex: so folks go out and they interview and while they’re interviewing a prospective client, thanks, this is the exact person I want, this is great and I’m going to make an offer to them. And so they do. They say, Hey, I’m going to offer you this position and, and here’s the pay and here’s the benefits. Uh, I’m sure that you guys coach them to say, appreciate that, uh, need you to get back with my recruiter and discuss that with them, right? Because now it takes that whole awkwardness of, of having to negotiate your salary, uh, out of, out of that situation. Right? It makes them more comfortable.

Alex: Well, you would want to like to talk about that or both of you?

Kumi: Definitely. I mean, I always actually advised the candidates never to discuss money in an interview. And also I always let them know like that’s what I’m here for. You don’t ever have to talk about money. That’s my job.

Patricia: A lot of people are worried about either underestimating or overestimating themselves, which I think a lot of people can identify with. So you don’t want to put yourself out of the game by requesting too high or not, you know, giving yourself enough credit and requesting to low
Alex: As a professional recruiter, right. The two of you and your whole team across the country as professional recruiters, you do this every single day into and you have salary guides and you have how much that position is worth. And so you’re, you’re intimately familiar with the value of the position.

Kumi: Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Um, and also I think that what I’m, one of the things that we’re able to do is we would not have them go to that interview or be put in that process with that knowing the ballpark of what the, the position is offering. And so,

Alex: and, and so as part of that too, you’re able to talk to the client on a, on a very, a very intellectual basis about their offer. They make you an offer and it’s in range thing. Great. You can, you can deal with that and just go to the benefits or if it’s out of range, you can, you’re able to say, well, let me send you over some information about that, you know, we talked about this in the past and this is kind of the range and here’s where we’re at. And it doesn’t put that candidate in that uncomfortable position. Right?

Patricia: Well, even before the person goes to interview, we already let the company know as well, like, this is what this person’s targeting, you know, this is realistically their range, we know what your ranges does it logistically fit. So again, we wouldn’t send anybody who was too high or too low and wouldn’t be realistic.

Alex: Gotcha. And so, by doing that, tell me about the next part of the process, they go there, they interview, they call you back and they say, oh, we want Janie, you know, she’s going to be great, and then what happens?

Patricia: So, after the person goes in the interview, just like Arren said earlier with her communication with Kumi communication’s key, we would follow up with a person right after the interview and say, how did it go? If they offered you the job, would you accept so that we can go right to the company and say, Hey, so and so love their interview, this is what they liked about it. Here’s a thank you note from them. Also very key to, um, and uh, they said that if they got offered the position they would accept. What’d you, what do you think? So that’s kind of the conversation we have.

Alex: So you’re again acting as an agent in between the client, the company and the candidate.

Patricia: Yes. So it’s like a liaison type position. Um, I mean, being a recruiter, I, I love it because we of a service to people, this is a free service, right? You’re there as an extension of you looking for a job while you’re going online and you’re looking, I can be doing the same thing for you.

Alex: Well, that’s something you just said I didn’t think about this, that the audience may not know that the candidate, this is free to them as services for it. Yeah. Yeah. And the client pays your fee. That’s right. Okay. And it doesn’t impact their salary. They don’t go, oh, well I’ve got to pay this fee to the agency, so I’m going to have to reduce your salary by that amount.

Patricia: That’s right. So we’ve had people ask us and I said, if that ever happens in a company calls you and they’re charging you for their services, the recruiting – run, hang up the phone, do not work with them because is not right.

Alex: She never happened. So do y’all go out to um, universities or places like that or do job fairs?

Kumi: Do we like to stay very active within the community? We have a great relationship with you and I’ve been out to Flagler College, quite a few jobs and very involved with the Jax Chamber. Think we’re, we have a relationship with a J.U. (Jacksonville University) as well. So, I mean, the career fairs and relationships that we’ve built with the universities locally have been extremely helpful and finding.

Patricia: We actually have the one coming up. Oh, it’s July 14th. It’s on a Saturday. So all of you who are currently working and looking, this is a great time for you to go. So, you do not have to take PTO. We will be at the Church of Eleven 22. Saturday, the 14th, the location on Beach Boulevard. From 11am to 2pm.

Alex: Very good. The 14th, Church of Eleven 22. What time? 11am Until 2:00. So, lastly and then we’ll wrap this up. I’m. One of the things that I thought was interesting is most people don’t understand what the recruiting industry is all about and that’s why I know Pete The Job Guy wanted to, wanted to put this show out there, is to educate, educate everybody. And that is, and it’s funny because I was at game seven of the world series and a couple and a couple of the gentlemen that I was sitting with, a recent college grads had talked to me about their interview process that they had just gotten a job as an engineer. And I said, oh, that’s pretty cool. Where’d you, how’d you find that job? And they said, well, we were at our college at the job fair. And I said, oh, did you see any recruiting companies? And they’re like, yeah, but I don’t want to be a recruiter. And I’m like, what? And they’re like, yeah, I didn’t want to be a recruiter, so I didn’t even go see him. I said, so you don’t know what they were there for now. I’m sure they were looking for recruiters and like, no, they’re looking there to be an agent to help you find your job. That’s right. And they had no idea. So I think this is a great idea that Pete came up with to help educate the public about what recruiters really do. You guys did a fantastic job, Patricia. I really appreciate you; Kumi, thank you so much for being here and as always, Arren Mills, I really appreciate you being here and sharing your story with us because that’s fantastic. For those of you out there in the audience, reach out to Pete@Petethejobguy.com or on his phone number at 904-713-2550. Thank you again and happy Sunday.