Coach Larry | Lack of Presence, a Silent Killer

Yes, we are all very important people and have very important things going on. But, we need to give people the full attention they deserve. How do you do that? Try these 3 things: Before engaging in conversation,  dump what’s in your brain onto paper. It will...

Coach Larry | Motivating Millennials

“MILLENNIALS, THEY’RE JUST HORRIBLE!” is how a manager described her experience in working with them. Millennials want good leadership, is that too much to ask? Here are 3 tips for managing millennials. Tip #1 Be clear on setting expectations about what high...

Coach Larry | Executive Presence (or lack thereof)

People think that executive presence is a quality you are born with. But presence can be developed. Start improving your executive presence by STOPPING these poor behaviors. Here are three things leaders do that diminishes the executive presence: 1) Running behind,...

Coach Larry | Dealing with Defensive People

This week, the topic is: giving feedback to someone who gets defensive. 1) Be clear. Have specific examples of that individual’s behavior, along with examples of good performance. 2) Watch your tone. Keep a neutral tone and have an open body language. Practice...